Abbey Lakes Swims
16 acres
Abbey Lakes Swims
9 swims
Abbey Lakes Anglers
8 anglers
Abbey Lakes Carp
70 lb+

Kingfisher is something of an unknown quantity. Formerly marketed as Abbey's 'predator' Lake during the early years, it has started to throw up some seriously good looking and seriously heavy carp.
Abbey Lakes Swims

Kingfisher Lake

In 2019 we decided to start the removal of the catfish as the potential of kingfisher as a carp lake was massive and after just one season of removals it has proved the right decision as the weights of the carp are increasing to staggering figures!

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2025 Price
7 days per angler

Abbey Lakes Swims

Kingfisher Swims

At roughly 16 acres in size, this almost rectangular lake has it all. Depths range from 2'-42', there is a huge gravel bar that comes up from 24' to a depth of 2' under the surface, nearly cutting the Lake in to 2 halves.

There are 9 pegs with up to 8 anglers. At roughly 16 acres in size, this almost rectangular lake has it all. Depths range from 2'-42', there is a huge gravel bar that comes up from 24' to a depth of 2' under the surface, nearly cutting the Lake in to 2 halves.

View Kingfisher Swims

Abbey Lakes Carp

Kingfisher Carp

Nobody is entirely sure quite how many carp are present but the average size of these is somewhere around 35lb and with around 60 different 40lb+ fish and 14 different 50lb+ carp at least 4 over 60lb and 1 breaking the magical 70lb barrier it is fair to say that the potential is still very much untapped!

These fish are by no means easy to catch but for the time being are still relatively naive and as a result, some big hauls are possible!

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Abbey Lakes Swims

Kingfisher Availability

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Abbey Lakes Carp
Food Package

With new, delicious, home-cooked options on our seasonal menus, there should be something for everyone.

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Abbey Lakes Carp
Bait Service

We have a massive range of Boilies, Pellet, Prepared Particles, matching hook baits, dips and more all on-site.

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Abbey Lakes Carp
Lake Rules

Take a look for a full run down of the angling rules at Abbey Lakes!

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Abbey Lakes Swims

Kingfisher Tactics & Tips

Due to the different type of weed found in Kingfisher Lake, it is possible to angle for it's residents using any number of rigs. The bottom here is generally made up of sand, silt and to a lesser extent, gravel and the weedbeds are quite prominent and defined so if you find the edge of them, you can be confident that the weed won't hamper your presentation.

For ease of use I adopted the parachute bag for 90% of my fishing there and simply covered my Hooks with PVA nuggets and cast double bottom or snowman hookbaits at showing fish or once I was clipped up to certain areas for the rest of my time.The Kingfisher carp have seen vast quantities of pellet over the years as that is the standard fare of loose feed for the catfish anglers on the lake.

My only word of warning would be that if you use this line of attack during late Spring until Autumn arrives, you do run the risk of attracting some of these monsters unfortunately they have a very keen sense of smell so you run the risk full stop but it is possible to lessen the attraction by not using very oily baits or by using a birdfood based boilie with a fruity scent instead of something very fishy!

I had great success on Kingfisher in the height of Summer last year fishing bright (sweet smelling) pop ups over hemp and maize and during a one month long session, I only had 1 catfish pick up. Once the catfish have 'gone to sleep' for the coming Winter period, usually in mid / late October, the carp in here respond well to a little and often boilie approach, I found that between 50-100 boilies per rod each morning and again in the evening was not overdoing it and of course I would repeat this if I'd had a fish in between!

Abbey Lakes Swims

What Our Customers Say...

"The best thing about Abbey Lakes is that it contains literally hundreds and hundreds of some of the most stunning-looking, big carp in Europe." Leon Bartropp

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